Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sequences: Chromosome

1.Sequence[k*x, k, -10, 5, 0.05] Red
2.Sequence[k*x^5, k, -15, 15, 0.1] Black
3.Sequence[k tan(x), k, -27, 32, 0.75] Black

I think this picture resembles a chromosome because it splits off then curves upward in the middle. It also looks like a hallway reflecting each side back to each other. Sequence 1 basically makes up the entire picture. Sequences 2 and 3 simply take away from sequence 1 seeing as though they are black and blend in with the background. It was like erasing the red. Sequence 2 cuts out the middle of the picture creating a line that goes upward and right diagonally through the middle. Sequence 3 cuts out red every about 3.2 units.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art 2

I thought this piece was very good. I had a lot of time to work on it which made it good. I thought the colors worked great together however I messed up in one spot. If I did this project again I wouldn't have used to different colors of orange on accident. I learned that  art 1 was over and that summer was about to start.

Op Art 1

This piece was pretty good. The line that squiggle out from the center make it look nice but I colored in some lines that i shouldn't have. If I did this project again I would'nt have messed up. The most difficult part was trying not to get dizzy while coloring it.

Magazine Reflection

I thought this picture was good. It looks almost identical other then the actual page is shaded. If i did this project again I would've shaded the other letters. The most difficult part was finding a page to do. I learned how to make a reflection page.


I felt like this piece was really good. I felt like the drawing of the animal itself was goos but i didn't like the colors to much. If i did it again I would have painted the entire thing. The most difficult part was keeping the paint the same shade. I learned that water painting is fun.

Pop-Art Sculpture

No Picture!!

I thought this sculpture was ok. I feel like it lacked creativity though. We did pretty good at painting it however the paper stuff was hard to get on it flat. I would take longer to think of what to do before starting. The most difficult part was thinking of an object to do. I learned that its cool to make larger then life sculptures.

Character Skeleton

I thought this was my best art piece ever!! I did really good at drawing the first picture. I felt like the shading was really good and the skeleton drwing could've been better. I would've tried harder on the skeleton. Once again the skeletno was the hardest part it was hard to detail. I learned i can be good at art.