Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art 2

I thought this piece was very good. I had a lot of time to work on it which made it good. I thought the colors worked great together however I messed up in one spot. If I did this project again I wouldn't have used to different colors of orange on accident. I learned that  art 1 was over and that summer was about to start.

Op Art 1

This piece was pretty good. The line that squiggle out from the center make it look nice but I colored in some lines that i shouldn't have. If I did this project again I would'nt have messed up. The most difficult part was trying not to get dizzy while coloring it.

Magazine Reflection

I thought this picture was good. It looks almost identical other then the actual page is shaded. If i did this project again I would've shaded the other letters. The most difficult part was finding a page to do. I learned how to make a reflection page.


I felt like this piece was really good. I felt like the drawing of the animal itself was goos but i didn't like the colors to much. If i did it again I would have painted the entire thing. The most difficult part was keeping the paint the same shade. I learned that water painting is fun.

Pop-Art Sculpture

No Picture!!

I thought this sculpture was ok. I feel like it lacked creativity though. We did pretty good at painting it however the paper stuff was hard to get on it flat. I would take longer to think of what to do before starting. The most difficult part was thinking of an object to do. I learned that its cool to make larger then life sculptures.

Character Skeleton

I thought this was my best art piece ever!! I did really good at drawing the first picture. I felt like the shading was really good and the skeleton drwing could've been better. I would've tried harder on the skeleton. Once again the skeletno was the hardest part it was hard to detail. I learned i can be good at art.

Text Collage

No Picture!!!

I didn't think this piece was very good. I procrastinated and had to rush to finish it. I didn't think it was very good. I think the multitude of color worked great however it was in no specific order. If I did this project again I would've taken more time. The most difficult part was finding words to use. I learned to take my time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Making our own Cartoon

I thought this piece was really good. I thought this piece was successful because I drew Steve good. However I didn't do the background as well as i wanted. If I were to do this project again I would probably take more time on the background. For me the most difficult part of this project was cutting the paper the right size. I learned how to make cartoons!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter Abstraction #2

I thought this project was fun like the first one and after connecting some letters yo ucan't even tell they're letters. I feel its successful because again the contrast looks cool. I thought connecting the letters was good but i feel i could've put different or more letters. If I did this project over again I would've used more letters. I think the most difficult part was the painting becuase we had to combine letters. I learned how to make a lot of letters look as one picture.

Letter Abstraction #1

I thought this assignment was fun to do just to see what kind of cool fonts we could make the words. I think I did this well i liked the H. I think the contrast worked well. I think it was hard to stay in the lines though. If I did this prohect over again I would do it the same. The most difficult part was staying in the lines. I learned how cool the contrast looks.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art Career: Graphic Design

I chose this career to research because I'm not the greatest artist but I'm good with computers. The national annual earnings for a graphic designer is $45,340. The annual salary for workers in California for movies and stuff was $62,070. Personally I don't think I would want to live in California though. If I were to work in this career my duties would be to create illustrations, logos, advertising and websites really depending on the job descrption. A bacholar's or associates degree would be the degree that most graphic designers have.In this field I would be working with design programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quark. Personally I don't think this kind of career would be best for me. I like working with computers but I'm not the most imaginative or artistic person. I don't think I would be interested in or good at any art careers.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Epic Doodle

I thought this piece was fun to do becasue it let us express ourselves. I thought I did alright on this project because I didn't do everything that amazingly. I think I did well on what types of lines I used but I didn't do well on the placing. If I did the project over again I would've placed things differently and used a marker in some spots. This project wasn't very difficult. I learned how to use line in drawing to make hidden images.

Color Wheel

This project turned out quite well not great but its alright. I think it was kind of medium successful becuase I didn't get the lighter colors very well. I think the colors themselves were good but I struggled on the lighter shades. I would've tried harder to make the shades more exact. The most difficult part of this was getting the shades right. I learned how to make different colors using the 3 primaries.

One Point Perspective Building Drawing

Overall I didn't think this piece was very good. I didn't feel like I did the best I could've on this project because I rushed to get it done. I think for one I did the building itself well however I don't think I had to much detail. If  I did this project again I would've done better and not rushed. I think the hardest part was drawing the building. I learned I need to take my time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Point Perspecive Hallway

I actually think this drawing was very good but i always think my artwork is pretty good when im done because i don't have high expectations of my artwork. I think this piece was pretty good because i took my time.I think i did the detail on this project was pretty good for me but i should've had more. If i did this project again i would've put more difficult things in the hallway. The most difficult thing about this was figuring out what to put in the hallway. I learned how to make things seem further away in drawings.

One Point Perspective Name

I thought the one point perspective name drawing was kind of fun. I personally this was a fun project that let us express ourselves a bit. I think i did pretty good at making the letters 3-D however i didn't do very well at drawing the face of the letter. I would re-do the facdes of the letters. I don't think this project was difficult. I learned how to use the line in the middle to help make letters 3-D.