Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sequences: Chromosome

1.Sequence[k*x, k, -10, 5, 0.05] Red
2.Sequence[k*x^5, k, -15, 15, 0.1] Black
3.Sequence[k tan(x), k, -27, 32, 0.75] Black

I think this picture resembles a chromosome because it splits off then curves upward in the middle. It also looks like a hallway reflecting each side back to each other. Sequence 1 basically makes up the entire picture. Sequences 2 and 3 simply take away from sequence 1 seeing as though they are black and blend in with the background. It was like erasing the red. Sequence 2 cuts out the middle of the picture creating a line that goes upward and right diagonally through the middle. Sequence 3 cuts out red every about 3.2 units.